fatal error: unhandled e06d7363h exception at 76c242ebh

layer properties manager

AutoCAD 2007, based on Vista Home Premium platform with the latest updates up to Feb. 17 2009.
After starting AutoCAD and trying to access layer menu through Command "layer" of through layer menu, or through layer toolbar this error was occurring:

"Fatal Error: unhandled e06d7363h Exception at 76c242ebh" or sometimes it would say "at 75d042ebh"

Problem resolved by resetting all the OPTIONS dialog settings to default settings:

Go to >Tools>Options> use >Profiles tub>

1-st - save your current profile with your name in the file name dialog by pressing "ADD TO LIST..." button, use this to save your own inerface settings you have on this CAD station.
(some users will reconfigure CAD to their liking and some lisp routines loading in order to work effectively)

2-nd press "RESET" button - this will reset all your interface settings to original factory settings.

3-rd - close OPTIONS dialog box. > restart AutoCAD.

4-th test your CAD make sure problem you had - disappeared.

5-th you may want to restore your interface settings you had before RESET was used.
go to OPTIONS an at the PROFILES tub - click on the profile you saved before (with you name on it) and click "SET CURRENT"
This will restore your own interface setting you were working so long to perfect to your liking...

5-th restart CAD and test your former "problem" commands to see if CAD working properly, also check if your own interface is responding correctly.


To return the Layer palette to its default position: 
  1. Exit AutoCAD.
  2. Click the Start menu and choose Run.
    Press Windows key + R on the keyboard to open the Run window.
  3. Enter regedit and click OK.
  4. Browse to the following key in the registry and delete it. (The exact key depends on the product and version you are using.)
    Example for AutoCAD 2017:
    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Autodesk\AutoCAD\R21.1\ACAD-0001.409\Profiles\<ACAD Profile name>\Dialogs\LayerManager
  5. Restart the product and use the LAYER command.
    The Layer Properties Manager will be displayed in its default location.

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